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Home > ZZB97 Z-Box Hub > Z-Box Software > How to Create a Scenario for Motion Activated Lights
How to Create a Scenario for Motion Activated Lights
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Scenarios are customizable settings designed to help you automate and manage your devices and profiles based on specific conditions.

Whether it’s turning off your outdoor lights at sunrise or adjusting your thermostat when you leave for work, scenarios allow your smart system to adapt seamlessly to your routine. Created within the mobile app, these scenarios can be easily edited or removed whenever needed, giving you full control at your fingertips. With just a few taps, you can personalize your system to fit your lifestyle, enhancing both convenience and efficiency. Scenarios created in the mobile app can be edited or deleted from the mobile app which gives you an easily accessible control over your system. 

Scenario for Motion Activated Lights when in Away Mode


1. From the mobile app, click on Scenes and then click on + Add scenario


2. Provide the Scenario Name and Description and select an icon. When done, click on Save and Continue. You will be redirected to the Summary page, where you have to define your Action, Triggers, and Conditions.


3. Click on Add Action + under the What should happen section to define the actions that will take place. There are two type of actions: Devices and Profiles. You can define a single action, or multiple actions which can be a mix of Devices and Profiles. To begging start by selecting Devices.


4. Select one of the categories: Lights and colour controllers, Gates and garage doors, Thermostats, or Other. Click on Lights and colour controllers.



5. You can choose one or more devices by checking the box next to the room or a specific device. Click Next once you select all the desired devices. 


6. Define the action that should be applied to the selected devices.


7. If you want to add a delay action, switch the toggle to the ON position and specify after what time the action should be executed. Once done click on Save and Continue.


8. If you want to go back to the action you just created, you can click on the ‘pencil’ edit icon and either change your selections or Delete the action.


9. If you want to add additional Action, click on Add action +


10. To change the Profile as part of this action, click on Profiles and change the Profiles to Home


11. If desired you can add a Delay to the action or click Save and continue if you are done with this action. 


12. Next, choose the event(s) that will trigger the action in this scenario by clicking on Add starter +. Select from Devices, Time, Profiles or Weather


13. Click on Devices and then select Sensors.


14. Select the devices you want to use as triggers by checking the box next to the device. Click Next once done.


15. Select the action that will start the Scenario. You can add a duration as a criteria so that the trigger will only be valid if the criteria is met for the specific time. Once done, click on Save and continue.



16. If you want to add another starter/trigger, click on Add starter +. Please note that the second starter will be used as either / or (at least one condition will have to be true). If no additional Starters are needed click on Finish


17. Next proceed to defining the conditions These are the additional rules required to activate the scenario. All conditions must be met for the scenario to run. Click on Add condition + under the Only if section and select Profiles as the category for the condition.


18. Select Away. If desired, you can specify a Duration to the condition or click Save and continue if you are done with this action. 



19. You can add additional Actions, Starters or Conditions at this point, edit your current selection, or click Finish if you are done to generate the scenario.


20. Your newly created Scenario will be added to the list. The Gear icon next to the scenario indicates that it was created on the Mobile App and therefore can be managed on the mobile app.


Incorporating scenarios into your smart system allows you to automate everyday tasks, making life more convenient and efficient. By setting up customized conditions, you can ensure that your devices respond seamlessly to your routine—whether it’s adjusting lighting at sunrise, modifying temperature settings, or activating security features when you’re away. With the flexibility to edit or remove scenarios directly from the mobile app, you remain in complete control, effortlessly tailoring your system to your evolving needs. By taking advantage of this intuitive functionality, you can enhance both comfort and efficiency, making your smart home work smarter for you.



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