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Home > ZZB97 Z-Box Hub > Z-Box Software > How To Create Smart Humidifiers And Dehumidifiers With Z-Wave Plugs
How To Create Smart Humidifiers And Dehumidifiers With Z-Wave Plugs
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Keeping your home's humidity levels just right can be a challenge, especially when many humidifiers and dehumidifiers on the market lack Z-Wave connectivity. But with the Linked Devices feature, you can turn ordinary devices into smart ones, making humidity control effortless.

This feature lets you combine multiple devices into a single, easy-to-manage unit. Once linked, they work together seamlessly, appearing as one device in your smart home interface.

In the example below, we’ll show you how to use Linked Devices to automate humidity control by connecting a non-smart humidifier and a dehumidifier (plugged into smart switches) with a humidity sensor. We recommend the ZEN15 Power Switch for use with Humidifiers/Dehumidifiers and you can use it in conjunction with any Z-Wave humidity sensor, like the ZSE44 Temperature | Humidity Sensor

Create Humidifiers/Dehumidifiers using Linked Devices Option:

1. To create Humidifiers/Dehumidifiers, from the Device menus of the Z-Box web UI, click on the Add Device menu


2. Select the Other Devices option.


3. From the Linked Devices menu, click on Humidifier. You will be redirected to the Humidity Device Set-Up menu.


4. Provide a name for your linked device and assign the device to the room. You can also hide devices included in the linked devices. It is recommended to hide your devices if they are only used as part of this Linked Device. By default, devices included in the linked devices are hidden from the dashboard. If you want them to show on the dashboard, uncheck the check box next to the Hide device included in the linked device. 



5. Select the Primary Device, which is a sensor that will be monitoring humidity. Then select Switches that will control the humidifier and dehumidifier based on the set humidity range. Once done, set the humidity range and click Save

The way the Linked Device will work is if the primary sensor detects humidity dropping below the set range, the devices selected as humidifiers will turn on.
If the humidity rises above your set humidity range, the devices selected as dehumidifiers will turn on.


6. A newly created linked device will be added to the Device list. Every time the Master Closet Humidity Sensor detects humidity at 40% or below, the switch controlling the Humidifier will turn on. Similarly, every time the humidity sensor detects humidity to be at 50% or above, the switch controlling the Dehumidifier will turn on.



With the Linked Devices feature, you can transform ordinary humidifiers and dehumidifiers into a smart, automated humidity control system. By linking smart plugs with a humidity sensor, your devices work together seamlessly, keeping your home comfortable without constant manual adjustments. Say goodbye to juggling multiple controls and hello to effortless, intelligent humidity management!


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